
Here It Is!
A place to celebrate & rejuvenate by grasping onto the seemingly fleeting, but oh so relevant YES! Moments in our lives, in the lives of others and in the world.
A story of heroism, a clip of the interesting, a whiff of wonder from way out there...I bring these to you to keep you questioning, envisioning, seeking MORE.
*The Rhythm...
Anecdotes of YES! ~ So What? ~ What Next?
*The Purpose...
For you to Engage. Consider. Act.

Focus on the YES! & the more YES! you get.
I'm in. You?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Are You Freaked?! You Should Be

When we stand on the precipice ... All we've been behind us; all we can be just over the cliff's edge, and the blue beyond calls clearly and deafeningly we SHOULD feel freaked. Ahhhh but just enough to make us acutely aware. The real buzzing in our ears is the exhilaration that comes with knowing. If I jump I'll either plummet or soar. So what will you do? Just stand there? You can't go back ... So leap my friend and know there is absolutely no way you can fail. You were born to do what you dream to do or you wouldn't have been called to this edge at this moment in time. Your time to soar is now... Be freaked, but JUMP.

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