
Here It Is!
A place to celebrate & rejuvenate by grasping onto the seemingly fleeting, but oh so relevant YES! Moments in our lives, in the lives of others and in the world.
A story of heroism, a clip of the interesting, a whiff of wonder from way out there...I bring these to you to keep you questioning, envisioning, seeking MORE.
*The Rhythm...
Anecdotes of YES! ~ So What? ~ What Next?
*The Purpose...
For you to Engage. Consider. Act.

Focus on the YES! & the more YES! you get.
I'm in. You?

Friday, March 23, 2012

FEAR. Remove the beard. Long live the adventurer.

Like bread, water and a roof over our heads as the fundamental necessities of life in Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, so too is the recognition, understanding and conquering of fear essential to embrace the YES! life.

Instinctual fear, as the hairs raise on the back of your neck or stomach begins to churn, is a powerful tool designed to ensure the survival of the most aware.

But psychological fear, often as False Evidence Appearing Real is debilitating at best and destructive at worst. Like an imaginary voice whispering constantly about doom and doubt this surreal character boasts of untruths and fuels worry that may never come to be. That being said, as quantum physics would support, listen to that voice long enough, come to even believe its absurd murmurings and, BLAM, guess what? Those whisperings are truths and your self-fulfilling prophecy has manifested itself. Hmm, sound bleak? Maybe, but those false imaginings are no match for the positive thoughts that can replace and overpower them.
How can you quiet the silly meanderings of your mind and free yourself from fear and find the light of possibility?
With your Guru alive and well with all the answers you will ever need within you, questions and reflection are your best means for answers and solutions.
1. Determine the source of your fear. Ask yourself what you are afraid of? Sometimes our fear can be a legitimate warning sign to encourage us to shift direction, find a new way or halt us on a path that is leading to nowhere. Ask, listen, record and be honest with your answers and evaluation.
2. Anchor yourself to your strength and courage. If you discover much of your fear is false, based on a lack of knowledge and understanding or self confidence, get educated, open your heart to compassion and anchor yourself to a reference of 'truth'.
3. Defog your perception glasses and SEE what might be.  What if you had no fear about this situation?  What if you were already there, beyond the concerns, worry, frustrations and felt at home as you Own It, the YES!, the best of what it is your desire?  Envision yourself sans fear, basking in the light of the life, the means, the ending you KNOW you can have or you wouldn't be reading this.
4. Chuck the rear view mirror.  Do not allow yourself to indulge in wavering.  You've set your sights on what can be, if only you keep on keeping on and eradicate fear.  Fear is only ever a weight never a means to alight your wings.  Eyes forward, on the prize and every second an opportunity to learn and grow and refocus ... one day closer to the universe delivering what you know you already own.

When a resolute young fellow steps up to the great bully, the world, and takes him boldly by the beard, he is often surprised to find it comes off in his hand, and that it was only tied on to scare away the timid adventurers.Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. Thanks for writing such a truthful and heartfelt essay. I am so glad I found this tonight. It helped me alot.

    1. So glad you found it...we so often find just what we need just when we need it, when we open ourselves up and look, don't we? Like a little light linking us to our something more, to hope. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. If you have a blog, I'd love a link. Wishing you an Adventurers day!
