
Here It Is!
A place to celebrate & rejuvenate by grasping onto the seemingly fleeting, but oh so relevant YES! Moments in our lives, in the lives of others and in the world.
A story of heroism, a clip of the interesting, a whiff of wonder from way out there...I bring these to you to keep you questioning, envisioning, seeking MORE.
*The Rhythm...
Anecdotes of YES! ~ So What? ~ What Next?
*The Purpose...
For you to Engage. Consider. Act.

Focus on the YES! & the more YES! you get.
I'm in. You?

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Courage is a Daily Deed

As Jack (Gerard Butler) tucks his wee one into bed she bubbles over with questions and conversation about her favourite storybook, Indiana-Jones-esque, hero Alex Rover. "Daddy do you think Alex Rover was born with all that courage?" Jack searches for the right words, knowing this is one of those rare teachable moments... "The thing about courage is, it's something that we have to learn and relearn our whole lives. It's not just in you, it's in every choice you make every day." Nim quickly learns of her own courage as she fights to survive while her father is lost at sea and to protect the peaceful secret island they cherish. Nim's Island is a film that touches the heart at any age, but this lesson struck me most profoundly. We so often believe that courage is something that is called out when extreme circumstances come knocking. But is it? Is it not courageous to choose every day to share a smile, a glimpse of hope or kindness with those in need, make the decisions necessary to live the YES! life we long to know? I hope you choose courage in all you do today, actions large and small and wear a badge of honour in your heart knowing that you in all your ways, make a difference in this world. May opportunities for courage knock today; and may you answer boldly.


  1. I can only hope that when i hear the knock my heart and mind remember this little story. Thank you for sharing and filling the world with courageous moments!

    1. Thank you my beautiful friend...and OHHHH yes you do!! Your magic and courage is felt by so many Heather. What a gift to know you and have you in this life!
